Some comments from listeners . . .

 ' . . . an excellent and informative talk.'

' . . . demonstrated an outstanding knowledge of the history of Wentworth Woodhouse. The lecture was delivered in a manner which both informed and entertained the audience. It was much appreciated by the members and guests. It achieved the highest turnout of the year!'

'Your presentation last Wednesday was much enjoyed by all . . . very many thanks for that, and for the wonderful sequence of images.'

'Thank you for an excellent and professional presentation of your subject during which there was a time I could hear a total silence; the members were so engrossed.'

'Very many thanks for a fascinating trip through every aspect of the pyramid – the members were very enthusiastic and we all learned a lot more about the history and motivations of the pyramid builders.'

'Thank you very much for an entertaining and stimulating lecture. We all needed to be cheered up at present and tales of eccentric owners and builders of pyramids just fitted the bill! '

'Great two hours, informative and so interesting………makes me want to visit houses I did not know about.'

'Members  . . . have all said that you were brilliant, entertaining and very informative'.

'Thank you so much for the very enjoyable talk you gave us last night. So many members left saying they had had a lovely evening.'

'Thank you for giving the our members such an enjoyable morning. What a super lecture: we learnt a lot, and it was such a bright, colourful and interesting way of learning!'

'Hugely entertaining and informative.'

'A fascinating and informative lecture.'
'Thank you very much for such an enjoyable evening and one in which the care you had taken in presenting your subject is much appreciated, as was your light touch and well-developed sense of humour!'

'We all thought the talk most entertaining and informative!'

'A sincere thank you for giving us such an interesting and informative illustrated talk last week on 'Up to a Point - Pyramids in Britain and Ireland'. The members thoroughly enjoyed it and were very surprised . . . at how many 'pyramids' we have for all sorts of purposes.

'Your talk on Pyramids really kept everyone's interest and we all left being a lot wiser on what proved to be a most interesting subject.'

'Thank you for coming to our meeting last night and giving us such an interesting talk about 'The Pyramids of Yorkshire - and beyond'. Your enthusiasm for discovering all these sites and investigating the history and stories connected to them was quite fascinating.'

'Thank you for such a fun and informative lecture.'

'An excellent introduction to [stained] glass technology; staining, flashing, painting and enamelling; the changing styles and subjects; and some of the makers.'

'A big 'Thank You' for your lively and informative talk'

'Thank you for a very detailed, well planned, gorgeously illustrated and fascinating introduction to pyramids.'

' . . . such an interesting talk; you really did put together and deliver a fascinating presentation.'

'Thank you for a fascinating and well-received talk . . . It was a joy to hear.'

'Thank you so much for a most entertaining talk to our group yesterday.'

'Thank you very much for a superb lecture on Tuesday. I think the subject [pyramids] was a total revelation to the members.'

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